Do Alex And Sanjay End Up Together? Celebrity

However, Alex knew that she and Sanjay could beat the long-distance relationship odds. Sadly, they didn’t. Sanjay cheated on her and subsequently broke her heart. They should have enjoyed what they had in high school and let bygones be bygones. When Haley was hung up on Andy, he was with his longtime girlfriend, Beth.

Sanjay Patel is Alex Dunphy ‘s ex-boyfriend and her biggest competitor during high school. At the end of their senior year, he was co-valedictiorian along with Alex. Though they decided to race each other to complete their P.E. grade and have only one valedictorian, Sanjay admitted his feelings to Alex and the two began dating.

While Alex is in college, it is revealed that the two have broken up. Reuben is a friend of Luke’s and is said to be quite the dork. After Alex’s break up with, Sanjay, she feels lonely and is desperate for someone to make her feel better (about herself, mostly).

Sanjay Patel is Alex Dunphy ‘s ex-boyfriend and her biggest competitor during high school. At the end of their senior year, he was co-valedictiorian along with Alex.

Who was Andy in Gloria and Jay?

Haley and Andy couldn’t have been more different when they first met. Andy was a young man who had a good head on his shoulders and loved kids, which is why he became a “manny” for Gloria and Jay. At the time, Haley didn’t know what she wanted to do after she got kicked out of college.

It’s not until Season 9 when Alex begins dating Bill that we realized she’s a bully. Thanks to a one-on-one talk with Haley, Alex is made aware of the fact that she’s mean to her boyfriends when they’re not as smart as her. She also belittles them and makes them feel unimportant.

She’s wild, spontaneous, and quivers at the thought of monogamy. She’s also not a fan of Mitch and Cam’s daughter Lily because she stole them away from her. Although Sal didn’t have the biggest part on Modern Family, she was still a fun part of the show and a big part of the guys’ lives. Fast forward to 2013 and Sal ends up falling …

1 ENDED TOO SOON: HALEY & ARVIN. Yes, many of the entries in this list are between Haley and one of her suitors, but that’s because she dated the most out of all the main characters. But when she began dating Arvin, viewers (and her parents) thought he was endgame.

Haley and Dylan are still of the mindset that things haven’t changed since high school, when, in fact, everything has changed. They may be married and parents to twins in Season 11 , but Haley had so many other amazing options for a husband than Dylan; options that made Haley a better person and push the boundaries.

When Haley was hung up on Andy, he was with his longtime girlfriend, Beth. But after Andy fell ill, it was Haley who was first to his bedside. She told him how she felt when he was sleeping and wished things were different, but on her way out of the hospital room, she ran into a handsome doctor named Will. Haley and Will hit it off and began dating shortly after.

The more these two got to know one another, though, Haley realized Andy had the same qualities as her dad and it made her fall for him in a new way. Sadly, Andy moved away for work and Haley had a hard time getting over him. She even said he was the first man she ever loved — even though she was on and off with Dylan for years before she met Andy.

Why does Sanjay go to Alex’s house?

Prior to the race, Sanjay goes over to Alex’s house to confess his crush on her. Alex is flustered, but then convinced by her family that it was possibly a distraction. On the day of the race, Alex prepares for the race confidently, and tries to ignore Sanjay. Sanjay is then confused, as to why Alex is ignoring him.


Alex meets Jason at a tour of CalTech in ” Do Not Push ” . The two click, and Jason convinces Alex to consider attending CalTech even though it’s close to her parents and she wants a school somewhere on the east coast. They make awkward attempts to flirt with each other, both claiming that they have Asperger’s syndrome, just to seem more interesting to the other, before quickly redacting the statement. By the end of the tour, the two have developed an actual interest in each other, with Alex calling Jason “honey” after thinking Jason has called her “darling” (when he was actually just clarifying his surname). The two hug and depart. Alex befriends Jason on Facebook, but he is never mentioned again.

Luke receives a call from Alex and he tells her that she is lazy, as she could just come downstairs, Alex has to inform him that she’s at college and she doesn’t even live there anymore. A girl walks into Alex’s room as Alex tells him that she’ll try skyping Claire as it doesn’t seem like Luke cares.

Claire convinces Mitchell and Cameron to talk to Alex about the likely possibility that her boyfriend, Michael, is gay, but she doesn’t believe it. ” iSpy ” . Alex has been secretly texting Mitchell about Claire, partly to discuss what type of wine to get her as a gift, and partly to laugh at her behind her back.

Bill meets Alex when she burns a bagel bite in the microwave in her dorm room after overindulging in a pity party over her sister Haley dating her school professor and crush, Arvin. Bill wakes her up and carries her out of the smoky room. Bill almost proposes to Alex in ” We Need to Talk about Lily ” after her outburst. He breaks up with her in ” The Last Halloween “, having lost respect for her after she unknowingly sent her nudes to his pervy colleague’s number, thinking it was his.

Alex invites Ben to her family’s boat trip to the lake in order to watch the eclipse, but does everything she can to avoid him the entire trip. She ends up accidentally leaving him stranded on an island. ” It’s the Great Pumpkin, Phil Dunphy “. Alex intends to break up with Ben, and expects him to freak out.

According to Haley, Alex has no fashion sense, hence why she finds it difficult to make friends at school.

What is the problem with Ben and Alex?

He was older, he had a career, he already knew how crazy Alex’s mother was, and he was a homebody. The problem with Ben is after a while, Alex grew tired of him. He got a little too comfortable and didn’t excite her anymore. Not to mention Claire despised the idea of her assistant dating her daughter.

Reuben was younger than Alex, friends with Manny and Luke, and is a little too theatrical for her liking, but there’s an undeniable connection between the two. He’s the one person who Alex pushes away but can’t seem to keep him that way. No matter how rude she is to Reuben, he always comes back and wins her over.

Fans only met Alec briefly but he seemed to have a real hold on Alex’s heart. It’s not clear where the two met but she was dating him in secret until she eventually told her parents.

They knew long-distance couples never worked, and they weren’t wrong. When they decided to try long-distance, Sanjay cheated on Alex and broke her heart, making him one of the most hated Modern Family supporting characters. If these two met later in life, they could have been the perfect match.

When James suddenly disappeared, fans thought he was a new Modern Family character that left too soon — that is until Alex realized that James stole her wallet. He was cute, but Alex deserved someone who won’t use or steal from her.

How exciting was it when Alex fell for the man who saved her? Bill is a firefighter who rescued Alex after her dorm room fire. The two began dating despite their differences, and seemed good together. However, unlike her crush at the time (her professor and Haley’s new boyfriend, Arvin), Bill wasn’t as “smart” as Arvin, Alex, or the men that Alex wishes liked her. He was your average guy with a heart of gold who would have been a great member of the family. He balanced well with Alex and stood up for himself when she poked holes in his personality. Sadly, these two called it quits.

Right after Alex and Alec broke up, she found out the person who was leaving flowers on her porch was actually a guy named Teddy, not Alec.
