Alicia Case Car Accident, Atlanta Georgia, What Happened To Alicia Case?


Alicia Case Car Accident, Death – This past week in Atlanta, there was a crash involving a tractor trailer that claimed the lives of a woman and her son from Atlanta. Alisha Young, who was 39 years old at the time, was scheduled to be traveling to Orlando, Florida. Her relatives said that she was relocating there and that she had been on the road with her two small children.

Young was driving her minivan northbound on Interstate 75 in Houston County while she was in the northbound lanes of the highway. Because she should have been heading in the opposite direction, her family stated that they had no idea why she would have been driving in the northbound lanes of the highway. They speculated that she may have become disoriented or lost her way. The fact that Young was observed driving extremely slowly in the right lanes of the interstate could be explained by this.

While Young was driving in the right lane, a semi-truck came up behind his minivan and began to get closer. He was driving at a pace that was getting closer to the limit, and he swerved to avoid colliding with Young’s car in the rear. On the other hand, not long after that, a larger tractor trailer did wind up colliding with the back of her van. This resulted in the automobile going into many spins, which ultimately led to it crashing.

When the police arrived at the scene of the accident, they discovered that Young and her son Malakai Young, who was just four years old, had both perished as a result of the collision. Kayden Young, another child who was riding in the backseat, was also hurt in the accident and had to be evacuated to a hospital in the nearby city of Macon. There has been no new information provided regarding his condition. The identities of the other motorist involved in the collision and the businesses he is employed by have not been made public by the police. In addition, they did not disclose any information regarding whether or not they had sustained any injuries.

